В данной статье описываются все миссии культа "Эпсилон". The Epsilon Cult Missions, (or Kifflom! Missions) are a series of optional GTA 5 quests designed to antagonize the player. The Kifflom Missions are a parody of exploitative cultic behavior, (in particular, Scientology). They require Michael to engage in an increasingly-ridiculous series of quests while donating increasingly large sums of money to the cult. You can only complete these quests using Michael. Other characters cannot participate in Missions from the Epsilon Group. This quest line becomes available very early in the game, after unlocking Michael as a playable character. Completing all parts of the quest line can earn you up to $2,100,000, or an old tractor, depending on the choices you make. So it's well worth the time investment. Each of the Kifflom Missions requires an interval of time to pass between each quest befor ethe next becomes active. To power quickly through them, save after completing one Epsilon Mission, restart the game, and the next Mission will usually appear on the map.
Seeking the Truth
Accepting the Truth
Assuming the Truth
Chasing the Truth
Условия для получения 100%
- Use the Force - найдите артефакты без помощи детектора (не смотрите на него)
Bearing the Truth
Delivering the Truth
Exercising the Truth
Unknowing the Truth