- Made it so GetPlayerAnimationIndex returns all player animations, not just those used with ApplyAnimation
- Added /headmove command to disable/enable player head movements locally
- Improvements to GetPlayerWeaponData and GetPlayerAmmo
- Fixed (hopefully) any crashes from SetPlayerHoldingObject
- Negative player score in the browser will show as 0
- Fixed ApplyAnimation not working correctly on NPCs
Important: ApplyAnimation/ClearAnimations Scripting functions ApplyAnimation/ClearAnimations now have a default parameter 'forcesync' at the end, which defaults to 0. You will not need to change your code, however any script using ApplyAnimation/ClearAnimations must be recompiled with the latest SA-MP pawn includes. In most cases you would not need to use the 'forcesync' parameter since players sync animations themselves. The 'forcesync' parameter can force all players who can see 'playerid' to play the animation regardless of whether the player is performing that animation. This is useful in circumstances where the player can't sync the animation themselves. For example, they might be alt-tabbed.
Перевод ZaR'a: "Обновления:
- Теперь GetPlayerAnimationIndex возращает ВСЕ (!!!) анимации, (прим. переводчика: IsPlayerInWater)
- Добавлена /headmove для отключения поворота головы
- Улучшилось качество GetPlayerWeaponData и GetPlayerAmmo (прим. переводчика: надеюсь, теперь не будет таких багов, как раньше)
- Пофикшены (надеюсь) любые крэши от SetPlayerHoldingObject
- Отрицательный score игрока в клиентском браузере теперь будет равен нулю
- Исправлена функция ApplyAnimation, не работающая на NPC
Важно: ApplyAnimation/ClearAnimations теперь имеют параметр "forcesync", т.е. теперь можно применять к игроку несинхронизированные анимации."